Art Clash

12 Décembre 2024 - 31 Janvier 2025




Nineteen Jersey based artists respond to a selection of work by
internationally renowned artists in this dynamic group show.

Artclash is inspired by the concept of a Soundclash, a radical musical event during which sound artists improvise in response to their fellow players to create situations that spark creativity by clashing or flowing sounds (vinyl records). 
For this dynamic exhibition CCA Galleries International has invited nineteen Jersey based artists, sculptors, poets and dancers and paired them with a selection of artwork(s). The responses can flow with the work or clash with it, bounce off it, interrogate it, delve deeper, respond conceptually, play with it as in the exquisite corpse drawing game or visually combine more than one work - anything but copy it!

Artists CCA International
Dan Baldwin, Lucie Bennett, Sir Peter Blake, Sandra Blow, Sir Frank Bowling, Nicole Farhi, Lucy Farley, Nic Fiddian-Green, Terry Frost, Maggi Hambling, Donald Hamilton Fraser, Damien Hirst, Patrick Hughes, Paul Huxley, Bruce Mclean, Brendan Neiland, Barbara Rae, Henrick Simonsen, Storm Thorgerson, Jacky Tsai.

Invited Jersey Artists
Rachel Ara, Bstract, Sharon Champion, Alexander Dawes, Donovan Délis-McCarthy, Tabitha Dombroski, Malgorzata Krzysztofik, Tim Le Breuilly, Karen Le Roy Harris, Margarida Lourenco, Yulia Makeyeva, Emily Paranthoen, Tom Parker, Studio What Now, Jonny Swift, Deirdre Szpera, Graham Tovey, Chantal Venton, and Kerry-Jane Warner.

Gallery Opening Times:  Monday - Friday  12 - 6pm