Handmade: Original Prints

2 Novembre 2020 - 26 Mars 2021
Handmade: Original Prints
27 January - 26 March 2020
Handmade: Original Prints - Original prints, new editions and augmented reallity by artists including Dan Baldwin, Lucie Bennett, Sir Peter Blake, Rose Blake, Barbara Rae, Bruse McLean, Jacky Tsai and Gavin Turk. View the work using our online catalogue.


CCA Galleries International is known for it's longstanding and significant relationships with the artists it works with. Whether this is mentoring and supporting artists in Jersey or working and collaborating with established artists and Royal Academicians at the original print studios, Worton Hall Studios in West London.


Unlike reproductions or copies, true original prints are only intended to be a print. The often include hand-finished elements such as collage and painting, and are merely another method of making art rather than a facsimile. Worton Hall Studios encompassess Coriander Studios  (silkscreen and digital), Huguenot Editions  (etching) and the Curwen Studio  (Lithography). Prints  are generally a collaboration between master print maker and artist, although many of the artists we work with are acomplished print makers themselves such as Bruce McLean and Peter Blake. Worton Hall is unusual (and revered) as artists also have the ability to a collaboration between print mediums.


Original prints are popular with art buyers and collectors as they are a great way of purchasing and collecting work by International renowned artists at a more affordable price. As all prints are part of an agreed edition - typically 20, 50, 100 or 150, their provenance is easily traceable. CCA works directly with the artist and agrees the price for prints with them before the edition is released. Once the edition has sold out, the matrix is destroyed and no more can be produced. The value inevitably goes up and the work is then sold on the secondary market. Although we own and have access to paintings and prints by the majority of artists we work with (living and deceased), we are not traders and prefer to work with the artist, their estate or gallery rather than dabbling in the secondary market. Artists who are printmakers generally love the medium as it makes their work more accessible and enables them to engage with a wider audience.


The exhibition is a showcase of new works by artists we have worked with over many years such as Barbara Rae, Sir Peter Blake, Rose Blake, Dan Baldwin and Bruce McLean, as well as showcasing the work of new artists and print makers that have not shown in Jersey before - Lucie Bennett, Gavin Turk and Jacky Tsai.


We will also be holding a live print demonstrations and discussion with Gillian Duke, CCA Managing Director from Worton Hall Studios. Gillian will be silk screen printing a current edition with artist Bruce McLean at the famous print studio. The gallery will be connected by live video link during the discussion followed by a private tour of the exhibition with Gallery Director Sasha Gibb. Places on the talk are strictly limited, cost £25.00 and should be booked in advance from the gallery. The event will be in line with the latest Government advice regarding safety. Please check the website or call the gallery for dates and updates. 

 Ice Wall - Avanaata (2020) - Limited edition silkscreen by Barbara Rae





Shades of Grey - Cerulean Blue (2017)
Silkscreen on Paper
Bruce McLean


Porcelain Skull (2020)
Limited Edition Silkscreen Print with Augmented Reality
Jacky Tsai