CCA Galleries International invite applications for the Jersey Summer Exhibition 2020. 



CCA Galleries International are inviting visual artists to apply to take part in the Jersey Summer Exhibition. 2020 celebrates the fourth year of the Jersey Summer Exhibition. This highlight of the Jersey Cultural Calendar developed through the growing appetite for high quality, curated visual art in Jersey. The exhibition is based on the successful model at the Royal Academy every summer - exhibits are selected by a panel of professional artists and shown in a group selling exhibition. As well as exhibiting at a prestigious, international gallery, being selected for the Jersey Summer Exhibition has helped launch the careers of promising Jersey artists, as well as enforcing that of those already established. Artists of all mediums are invited to apply through our website. Link to our application will be launched on 30 January. The application deadline is 11 March. 

The CCA Galleries International is known for bring Internationally esteemed artists to Jersey and making their work more accessible through the sale of limited edition prints and hosting artists performances, discussions and workshops. The exhibition launched in 2017, with over 120 artists applying to take part. All work is for sale and is hung and curated by CCA Galleries International. Last year, over £21,000.00 of Jersey art was sold. The work generally sells to collectors from Ireland, Scotland, Germany and the UK as well as to enthusiastic locals. 



All exhibitors at the Jersey Summer Exhibition are eligible for the Jersey Summer Prize. Last year's winner of the Summer Prize was local ceramicist Lindsay Rutter, who is working on a new body of work to exhibit with us later in the year. Landscapes that have been selected for the Jersey Summer Exhibition are also eligible for the RURAL Jersey Landscape Award. We work with RURAL Magazine and Signtec to celebrate the Jersey landscape. The winning entry is judged by Sean Guegan, Sarah Taylor, Alasdair Crosby and Sasha Gibb and is eligible for a cash prize as well as extensive coverage in the magazine. 


The application deadline is Wednesday 11 March. All work should be submitted digitally in the first instance, together with an application form and fee ( £15 per art work submitted).


Application form and terms and conditions are through the website , which will be launched in late January.  Work should be submitted through our online application and payment for entry is made by contacting the gallery directly, credit card over the phone or via bacs.


If an artist's work is selected, they will be notified and asked to submit actual work for the final judging process on Monday 11 May. If work is chosen to join the Summer Exhibition, it will be exhibited and for sale in the gallery this summer ( 18 June - 29 July). 


All visual art forms are welcome, including orginal prints, drawings architecture, sculpture, film and photography. We accept applications from artists with links to the island who may be working elsewhere as well as locals. CCA Galleries International offer on framing and pricing to successful applicants as needed. 


Gallery Director, Sasha Gibb says '10 Hill Street is a fantastic gallery for contemporary art and I'm looking forward to discovering more home grown talent to fill it. We are grateful for the unwavering support of our partners and sponsors TEAM Asset Management'. 


All photography by Holly Smith @hollysmithphoto. First photograph features winner of the local Summer Prize: Lindsay Rutter. 


Exhibition dates:       

Exhibition Friday 19 June – Wednesday 29 July

Gallery open 10.00 – 17.00, Monday to Friday and by appointment


Saturday open day Saturday, 20 June 11.00 – 14.00


By CCAI on 18/12/2019